Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Video Education, Education Video? Ah, Video IN Education

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I wanted to shared this infographic of the benefits of using videos in the classroom to help illustrate my point that we need to use videos in our classroom. At the very least, use various multimedia tools in our class to enhance our lesson plans and our in-classroom (and outside the classroom) activities and lessons.
Like the infographic says "videos can make the impossible possible." The use of videos in our classes only enhance the lessons that we're giving our students. It allows the class to feel more lively than just giving out information in a lecture or presentation. Students need to be able to connect learning to the outside world, in order to see a purpose.

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What will my classroom look like in terms of video and multimedia use in the classroom? That is actually a very simple answer. Videos will be shown in my class on daily basis and if I can't find a video that fits with the lesson message, then I will be using some type of multimedia tool for an interactive study in the classroom. I would like to tie in a video or multimedia tool to really drive home the content. Many times teachers will put together they're on video content, and I intend to do the same if time permits me to develop and create quality video content for my students. If time doesn't permit, teachers have access to content created by DPI and special content that is available on teacher websites. We also have access to any other content that is available across the web on sites such as YouTube and Vimeo. It's also a good idea to have students create content to show in class. I'll be using some students create videos in my own class. That way you have students engaged in the class, but also allowed to showcase their own work in the class.

Some cool video examples of student created content can be found on this site: http://edtechteacher.org/tools/multimedia/video-classroom/.

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